Inspiring the #NextGeneration of Nigeria’s Pharmacy Leaders to conquer new frontiers

U04PH #NextGen is an alumni-led mentorship and capacity development hub kicked off in August 2020. We have a network of active members across the world driving perpetual learning and change



β€œIf you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

 β€“ African Proverb

Draw from years of experience of alum in practice across various industries and sectors as you set out on your career journey with practical tips and mentorship support



β€œOur passion for learning ... is our tool for survival”

- Carl Sagan

To continually increase knowledge, competence, performance, and innovation..learning is perpetual



β€œA good tool improves the way you work. A great tool improves the way you think β€œ

- Jeff Duntemann

Browse tools, templates, and techniques to deliver results.

Different techniques and tools will be covered in each #NextGen online or live event