
Live your life by a compass, not by a clock
-Stephen Covey

2022 Rewind: Uncertainty, Decisions & Wins
’Deen Sule ’Deen Sule

2022 Rewind: Uncertainty, Decisions & Wins

A new year on the horizon comes with the opportunity to reflect, and share aspirations - whether as a way to simply take stock and express gratitude or maybe just get in some much-needed writing practice, albeit from a first-person perspective, didn't get to journal or write as much as I’d wanted to - outside of work this year!

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πŸ—’My Top 3 football books of 2020 so far
Lists ’Deen Sule Lists ’Deen Sule

πŸ—’My Top 3 football books of 2020 so far

Hope everyone is safe and doing okay? It’s being a tough month with all the events in Nigeria, especially this week. Currently, I am caught up in the curfew in Benin City since Monday when my flight from Abuja touched down in the Edo State Capital. This has allowed me time to ruminate on the serious and the not-so-serious important stuff in life as a way of dealing with the multiple stress of 2020. Anyway, with the weekend almost here, I thought: why not share a football-related note? So, here we go: My top 3 (and boy, it was a real challenge to order these) reads.

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πŸ“šThe Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty
Books ’Deen Sule Books ’Deen Sule

πŸ“šThe Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty

This is one of my more recent reads. The concepts, case studies, and evidence presented in this book brings into sharp focus and gives further credence to assertions that entrepreneurship - particularly the market creating type of innovation remains perhaps the most certain way of development - spurring new ways of tackling entrenched problems in society stagnating growth

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